Saturday, April 26, 2014

Friends - Meeting my school mates from Primary to High School

I have been a bit quite recently, as I have been traveling in Querétaro and Puebla, places where a sister and two brothers live.

After coming back to Mexico City from the trip to Querétaro and Puebla, I attended a breakfast where my school mates from Primary, Secundary and High School came and I had a wonderful opportunity to meet them in person and had a chat and cuddles and kisses and tears with them. It was very emotional to meet them again.

Every one of these school mates had a connection in someway in my life and other school mates´ lives.

After following my school mates in facebook for about 3 years and seeing their photos only, it was wonderful to receive so much love and support from each of them.

From now on, we are not longer strangers, we have created a real community, not just a virtual community.

Thanks for the organisers and enthusiast friends who have been so constant in keeping us together either via facebook, whatsapp, skype, wednesday´s dinners or breakfasts every month.

It has been now 32 or 33 years for us, since we left High School or Commerce or Design & Decoration or Education schools.

Everyone of us has had a life full of challenges, where we have won and we have been down as well, but we are still keeping well and fighting for a better life style, better life for the children and grandchildren of some of us.

We feel that every time we meet, it is a great opportunity to express ourselves and be understood and respected.

That is what is important in life, not just what we have achieved and how much money we have had, or what kind of job we have been promoted in.

Everyone of us have had talents and we are sharing them in someway.

This post is dedicated to all who could attend this breakfast, and the ones who have attended every breakfast, lunch or dinner in the past, and finally for the ones who have not been able to attend, but are willing to do it.

For me, this is the very first time I am with the group of school mates since many many years ago. It was wonderful that after 32 or 33 years we left for University or started working, my school mates still remembered me and I have meant something to them.

All my love to all,

Ana Elena Sastrías Bordes

 This is the table of the guy who nicely accepted to take some of these pictures. He was quite happy to do it and we were quite entertaining to him and his family

 The compact bags with the necessary things for a breakfast, compared with the normal bags with any possible thing inside, just in case it is needed :)

 The lovely compact smart bags :)


  1. Que buena oportunidad de ver y sentir a la gran comunidad que somos las del IMA!

    1. Fue maravilloso. Esta fue mi primera reunion despues de 32 años. La amistad persiste!
